Video Ads Company. Professional Video Ad Creation on digital

We know how to make successful video ads

Concept Video Production was founded in the creation of video ads back in 2004. Our work in video advertising has ;

  • Created millions of pounds worth of sales,
  • Sold hundreds of thousands of products,
  • Grown brands and increased consumer recognition.

When creating video ad content, we always follow this 4 point process:

  • 1. Workshop your brand, offering and outcomes,
  • 2. Research the marketplace,
  • 3. Undertake Video ad production.
  • 4. Analyse, Workshop, report.

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A photograph of video ads.

How to make a Video Ad

A successful video ad grabs the interest of your audience by establishing an aspirational proposition that your audience will desire. The video ad narrative then closes the deal, creating engagement by persuading engagement in the form of funneling the audience into a sales funnel using a call to action.

Over 20 years, Concept has delivered compelling narratives with cinematic quality video content and crystal clear sound driving millions of pounds in sales.

A photograph of video ad production.

Video ads follow one of two formats:

  • Branding video ads - brand and proposition awareness. No direct sales.
  • Direct Response - where the video ad shows a product or service offer, along with a 'Call to action'. Performance is monitored through sales attribution to campaign schedules and unique sale tracking.
A photograph of a branding video ads.

Video ad production uses this narrative structure

  • 1. Identification - Compel your audience to recognise themselves or their situation.
  • 2. Disruption and Proposal - Create desire in your audience by showing a better life with your product or service.
  • 3. Action - Convert that desire into action. In branding campaigns, the audience thinks about and engages with the brand in retail or online environments as part of their ongoing life. In direct response campaigns, the action makes a more immediate appeal to the audience to engage, resulting in immediate sales.
A photograph of video ad narrative planning.

How we write compelling video ad scripts

After familiarisation and research, we run a Pre-Production workshop with you to take a full brief and construct a narrative outline. With your approval, we progress to script writing and screen writing.
We broadly follow the narrative structure described above.

Depending on the level of video production service taken, a further Pre-Production workshop including storyboard presentation occurs leading to production commissioning The next Pre-Production stage usually includes casting calls, location searches and sound design.

A photograph of someone enjoying a good video ad narrative.

The Video Production Process for video ads

Once all the planning is in place, we use out cinema-quality broadcast cameras to create your video ad. We ensure high quality visuals and audio is captured and assembed during post-production to create the final video ad.

In some cases and dependant on the scale of the brief, filming can be completed in one day, otherwise production usually spans a few days or weeks.

A photograph of video ad production.

Clearances, Licenses and Compliance

We ensure all appropriate clearances, releases and licenses are obtained before your content goes to distribution, no matter which platform or level of service is taken. Some platforms require scripts and video ads be checked or sent for review by official organisations prior to distribution.

This level of pre-qualification is only required for broadcast TV Advertising or some high-profile on demand platforms.

A photograph of a professionalLive Streaming event.

Where do video ads run?

We create video ads, and can also negotiate and buy your advertising media across the following platforms. Video ads can be distributed in one of four ways:

Pay per click video ads

Your video ads are charged when a viewer (counted as video ad impressions - not charged) engage with your proposition further by clicking on the video or call to action buttons (counted as clicks). Viewers usually have the option to skip an ad, which may show up in metrics and which may also be used by the platform algorithm to identify successful audience profiles.

Duration of video ads: Shortform at 5 Seconds to 2 minutes. Average 30 seconds.

On Demand Video Advertising

Platforms like Netflix and Amazon are the highest profile on-demand 'Living Room / Family Viewing' platforms alongside traditional TV Stations ITV-X and Channel 4 On Demand. Your ad is shown to target audiences when they choose to watch programming. Costs are slighly higher than Scheduled video advertising campaigns, such as TV Advertising, but the audiences are highly targeted. We know the people watching the content chose specifically that content. Some high-profile on demand platforms may require compliance checks on video ads before they can run - most do not require these checks.

Duration of video ads: Shortform at 5 Seconds to 2 minutes. Average 30 seconds.

Scheduled Video Ads - TV Advertising

Linear content channels (that is, channel where content is played against a schedule instead of on demand), such as a TV Channel is still a popular way to distribute your video ad to large broadly targeted audiences. TV Advertising can run on both small and Large profile channels, such as ITV and Channel 4 or Dave. Alternatively, platforms like Sky Adsmart offers a method where content is only shown in target homes on specific customer sky boxes. Unlike many other options, TV Advertising must be submitted for compliance checks before broadcast.

Duration of video ads: Shortform at 30 Seconds to 2 minutes. Average 30 seconds.

We operate a dedicated website for our TV Advertising agency business - see

Display Video Advertising

Display video ads are run on websites and social media. You will either pay a fixed price for a period of time or for a number of views (impressions) of your ad, expressed as a Cost Per Mil (CPM) / Cost per Thousand (CPT). Where a cost for a periof of time is offered, it is imperitive to ensure confidence in the likely audience quantity and frequency.

Sponsorship works in a similar way, except it would usually involve mentions in written and spoken content or playing of your video ad before / during / after other content. A variation in display video advertising is outdoor video advertising where your content is run on Digital Signage for example. Alternatively, video ads are used across a brand's website or their social media accounts.

Duration of video ads: Shortform at 10 seconds to 2 minutes. Some content can run longer, but this is not typical.

Media Buying for video ads

As an experienced agency, we can both create your video ad and handle your media spend, placing it across any platform in the UK or worldwide.

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