Corporate Video Production Services by Concept Media Group.

Communicate better with corporate video

Concept Video Production are experienced in the creation of business and corporate video content. We work with small business, corporations, charities and other organisations. Our speciality includes Quarterly video briefings and project films.

We help you deliver your message professionally, on time and at a competitive price by a UK video production company. If needed, our Knocast LMS & Video Content Platform can share and your content.

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A photograph of corporate video production.

What are the benefits of corporate video production?

Whether you need to tell your stakeholders a success story, engage staff in business current affairs or train new recruits, a Corporate Video is the most effective and time-efficient way to achieve this.

  • Inspire condfidence from your staff, investors and customers.
  • Build on your market presence.
  • An efficient Return On Investment (ROI).
  • Train and engage your people.

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A photograph of a professional live streaming microphone.

How do you make a corporate video?

Video Planning

The first step to creating a successful corporate video is usually the one most omitted. We will run a workshop session with you to match a production treatment and script with both your corporate message and intended outcomes.


The Pre-Production process involves identifying filming locations, working out the production storyboard and refining the script into a form ready for our production crew and your staff or presenters.

Video Production

We roll out our broadcast grade camera equipment and our production crew to create your corporate video production. We use the latest high-end kit - in-fact the same kit we use for our broadcast TV Commercials, so you can rest assured the of the quality of our output.

Post-Production & Video Mastering

We take the rushes (video footage) from the cameras then grade, cut and mix it into a slick corporate video. We send previews for you to review and feedback on, then once complete, we render it using professional high-bitrate codecs that are suitable for broadcast, social media and digital signage, etc.

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A photograph of corporate video production.

Corporate Advert Video Production

The traditional Corporate Video was a way to move the content of a printed brochure into a more modern, engaging format. As technology and the way we consume content has evolved, so has the the way we create Corporate (Advert) videos. They are shorter, more topical and visually impressive.

Why create a Corporate Advert Video?

  • Highlight the strengths of your organisation and proposition.
  • Boost SEO rankings.
  • Communicate with your prospects in a very time-efficient way.
  • Show people 'inside' your organisation; make it human and real.

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A photograph of a Corporate Advert Video Production.

Corporate Testimonial Video Production

You may have market-leading products, but even with those, it's a known fact that people buy people. Integrity is commanded instantly with Corporate Testimonial Video content.

Why do Corporate Testimonial Videos work?

Consider the process we all go through when selecting a new provider or product. It's specification and look makes up an aspect of the information we need to make a buying decision. The rest of the decision is made as a result of mimetic desire, a subconcious human behaviour in which we feel more comfortable imitating the actions of another. Further, the phenomena in-effect reassures in a form of due-dilligence, mitigating risk through safety in numbers or by peers.

What does a Corporate Testimonial Video contain?

  • Real video content of your customers or stakeholders.
  • Small clips that identify and positively describe an interaction with you.
  • Personality and a genuine portrayal of your capability.

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A photograph of Corporate Testimonial Video Interviews filmed by Concept Video Production.

Corporate Project Video Production

Documenting a flagship project provides you with multiple benefits. Most critically, a corporate project video showcases the peak or a range of capability. The result is that your prospective customer can build trust in your ability to deliver on their requirement.

We also create montage videos (clips from multiple videos brought together to tell a bigger story) from these Corporate Project Videos, as they tend to show footage of your processes, people and facilities.

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Corporate Recruitment Video Production

A corporate recruitment video is a powerful way to captivate the mind of stronger candidates. The job market is a competitive and increasingly volatile space. Indeed 90% of it is now candidate driven. To get the best people, you need to stand out.

Show the positive aspecs of your organisation easily in video form, present the culture of your workspace, and overly paint an aspirational environment. Create mini-interviews within your organisation of the people you want to attract. When edited into the recruitment video, these interviews make it easier for potential candidates to 'paint themselves in to your organisation' and generate a positive motivation.

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A photograph of employee interviews for candidate videos.

Corporate Presentation Video Production

Corporate Presentation Videos are an impressive way to meet environmental targets and refine the experience your prospects have. The significant and consistent impact to the environment of flying or driving people to client locations or central locations is an easy was to meet environmental targets. Reduce costs and reduce your carbon footprint by using a professional corporate video production company to film locally.

A corporate presentation video can be filmed at our Television Studios or your location, where (unlike the in-person environment) you have multiple attempts to get the perfect pitch along with a bias control on what can be seen and experienced.

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A photograph of a Corporate Presentation Video Production helping to meet environmental targets.

Corporate Event Video Production

Corporate Event Videos make the most of your involvement or investment in a business activity.

Showcase key experiences to your stakeholders and create new engagement from those who have fallen off the current roster of work.

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A photograph of a corporate event video being filmed.

Corporate Training Video Production

Training is an important part of any company or establishment. From new staff induction video to health & safety video or policy update video, there are many reasons why a training video is used.

Why use video to deliver training?

Video is the most cost-efficient way of ensuring your audience receives the information you need them to have. And you can ensure the same training is given to everyone, every-time.

  • Keep your audience engaged with your information.
  • Video can reduce the time a training session take.
  • Ensure your training content is consistent and accurate.
  • Video is one of the most cost-efficient ways of providing training.

Enhance your training apps with Video Content

Training micro web sites and apps can be greatly improved with short video ‘components’. Even printed training manuals can take advantage of video by linking smartphones to video content.

We offer a vast range of Training Video Production services:

Take a look at our dedicated services for Training Video Production.

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A photograph of a Corporate Training Video Production Planning.

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